People have different beliefs systems that guide their views in life, their dos and don’ts, their responses to various pertinent issues and so forth. These views help the individuals in articulating their identities and conviction in life. They are developed from different perspectives such as how they were brought up their culture their religion and so forth. For a person who subscribes to the biblical worldview, the writings of Paul hold some of greatest theological arguments that inform various doctrinal issues that underpin the biblical worldview. This papers aims to tackle some of these issues.
God’s attribute of righteousness is alluded to which is revealed to the people through faith indicating that …show more content…
The Roman 12-15 group is guided by the spirit and seeks to fulfill the desires of the spirit while the Romans one group is driven by their sinful nature and they seek to fulfil the desires of the flesh
Roman reveals that God’s ultimate goal is for redemption of creation where nature is restored to its former glory without the bondage of decay while the bodies of men will be redeemed and their adoption as sons of God will be made complete. God desires to see all men conformed to be like Jesus so that He might the first born among many brethren. The view of Romans on eternity is that it will be glorious stating that the present suffering cannot even be compare to what is to come when the sons of God are revealed giving a hopeful expectation for believers.
Based on these aspects that Paul so expertly covered on the nature of God, creation, sin, salvation, ethics and eschatology it clear to see that these are not random thoughts but they are well informed aspects that are beyond the intellect of a man and point to Devine origins. This therefore implies that biblical worldview is not just another philosophical perspective that aims to sway individual beliefs but it has more to it and is worth