One of the most memorable …show more content…
Through her exposure to Shug, her husband's mistress, Celie was able to change and grow. In the novel, Shug ended up falling ill and Celie ended up taking care and spending a lot of time with her. Shrug was depicted as a strong woman, who was confident and sexually experienced, the opposite from Celie. Overtime, Celie began to feel attraction and love towards Shug and this was the first time that she had loved another human being other than Nettie (her little sister). I believe that because of how different Shug was, Celie admired her and that led to her attraction. Despite Celie performing sexual acts with her father and husband, Celie was never truly educated on sex and particularly, pleasure. She was only exposed to forced sex acts and most of the time, she was numb and not mentally there. With Shug, Celie began to form a lesbian relationship through which they ended up sharing a relationship that was more than sex. Although their relationship wasn’t meant to be forever, Shug did taught Celie how to love and especially make love. Shug became the person that Celie could confide in and she gave Celie a sense of identity. I think for the first time, Celie was sexually, physically, and emotionally comfortable and that was really crucial to her self-confident and self-love. In the end, Celie was able to grow into an independent, self thinking