
Examples Of Chivalry In Sir Gawain

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Examples Of Chivalry In Sir Gawain
In 476 AD, during the medieval times, there were many knights. Most knights followed a chivalric code. By definition chivalry means the rules and customs of medieval knighthood. Chivalry can also be defined by seven knightly virtues: courage, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility, and hope.
Gawain demonstrates chivalry by honoring the king and taking his place when cutting off the Green Knight’s head. He also shows justice when he makes a deal with Bertilak of Hautdesert, that with whatever Gawain received while in the castle he would have to give to Bertilak and whatever Bertilak received in the woods, would belong to Gawain. Gawain also showed justice by keeping his promise to the Green Knight by showing up to the Green Chapel in exactly

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