Whoa! People always look up at the stars and wonder what it would be like to travel into space. Space travel has changed the way we look at the world. Space exploration can change our lives by helping our ecosystem, promoting education, and it would also help our economy.
One way space exploration can change our lives is by helping the ecosystem. In the article, Space Exploration by J.C. Pantom, it states, “The current earth population is almost 6.8 BILLION people. Arguably beyond the carrying capacity of the earth already.” In other words, if we let people into space then the population on Earth will slowly decrease. It could also harm animals, because of the human population. Another example is in, Space Exploration it reads, “Related to overpopulation, we are burning through the earth’s natural resources pretty quickly. Out in space there is virtually unlimited resources.” This means that we’ll never run …show more content…
In the article, Civilian Space Travel by Arthur Mendala, the author says, “Ever since the space program began, traveling beyond Earth has been a privilege for a select few, namely, astronauts. The rest of us have had to imagine what it would be like, but that may soon change.” This proves that many kids imagine that they are astronauts. They imagine to go to outer space and explore the stars and planets. “NASA’s education office has three goals: making the workforce stronger, encouraging students to pursue STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), and “engaging Americans in NASA’s mission,” states J.C. Pantom in Space Exploration. This is significant because NASA offers STEM classes for kids to help them learn about engineering and science. This will make kids want to be astronauts when they grow up. The promotion of education of space is another reason why we should all support space