
Examples Of Coming Of Age In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Examples Of Coming Of Age In To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mockingbird coming of age

The key coming of age sescene I am going to analyze is the courtroom scene where the children are in the courtroom segregated in the balcony and hear the verdict guilty. This scene uses point of view, imagery and tone to extenuate the coming of age of Jem when he realizes that life is not fair and that justice is not always equal. An example of point of view or perspective is when in the movie it shows Jem’s expression of disgust when he hears the guilty verdict and you realize his world of uninnocent has come crashing down. Another example of point of view is when in the book Chapter 22 it states “It was Jem’s turn to cry.” And then Jem says “it ain't right.” This statement lets the

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