Reality anxiety that the writes finds in the book is fear of the real danger. Someone will feel threatening by the danger that can bee seen and felt. In McCandless case, the reality anxiety that occurs to him is fear of wilderness and death. …show more content…
His fear of wilderness comes up because he is scared and lonely in the wilderness. He feels that nobody can help him to get him out of wilderness. His knowledge and equipments are not enough to survive in the wilderness. He is anxious that he cannot go back to his family. For his fear of death, he is afraid that he cannot even say proper goodbye to his family. He does not want to die before he meets his family and apologize to what he did. He also realizes that his life cannot runs by himself. That is why he is anxious when facing his death.
From neurotic anxiety, it is about fear that is form of releasing the Id to please the user. It can be concluded that McCandless has fear because he does not reach an agreement between his parents’s will and his will. His parents push him to follow what they want, especially in education and life style. For McCandless, he cannot follow it because it is clashed with his own. It leads him to do rebellion to his parents’s will. He does not want to follow it and instead he follows what he wants. McCandless is also break society rules. It does not mean in negative way, but he has his own rule for all of that. He is disclaimer of society rules in education and job. He rather uses his own rule without paying attention about the effect because he just wants to pleasure himself and follow what he wants.
The last aspect that the writer finds is defense mechanism.
Defense mechanism is an unconscious way to defend ourselves from unacceptable, unpleasant and harmful situation or reality that caused by the Id. Defense mechanism occurs in McCandless because he feels threatening by his anxiety. McCandless uses humor for his fear of wilderness and fear of death when he experiences the realistic anxiety. Then, he uses acting out and isolation when he is oppressed by his parents’s will in education and life style. Last, suppression is used to forget about his old life, especially about his parents. The writer comes up analyzing all of this based on Freud theory, Psychoanalysis Criticism. This research can be proven by the quotations that the writer has found. Every object of research has the quotations. It is clear that the main character has problem to his anxiety. Anxiety that can be found are reality anxiety and morality anxiety. In order to keep and defend himself, defense mechanims occur in the main character. The defense mechanisms are humor, acting out, isolation and