Jonas’s father, a nurturer for the babies in the community, discusses a child in the nursery with the family unit.“ he isn’t growing as fast as he should, and he doesn’t sleep soundly……..the committee’s beginning to talk about releasing”(7)Killing a baby is a cruel, inhuman thing to do. By releasing Gabriel the community will gain efficiency because they will no longer have to deal with his problems which include not being able to sleep. Though the society would gain conformity from doing this, then that means they are murders without love.Afterwards Jonas’s father tells the family unit that two twins are being born and that they are identical which means he will have to release one of them.“I get the smaller one cleaned up and comfy. Then I perform a small Ceremony of Release”(137)In our world twins are valued because being a twin is an exciting, special thing. Without love this society can not value that. They see being a twin as a disadvantage because twins look similar. The solution is killing one of them, which the citizens are not able to see is wrong because love is not present in their shallow set of
Jonas’s father, a nurturer for the babies in the community, discusses a child in the nursery with the family unit.“ he isn’t growing as fast as he should, and he doesn’t sleep soundly……..the committee’s beginning to talk about releasing”(7)Killing a baby is a cruel, inhuman thing to do. By releasing Gabriel the community will gain efficiency because they will no longer have to deal with his problems which include not being able to sleep. Though the society would gain conformity from doing this, then that means they are murders without love.Afterwards Jonas’s father tells the family unit that two twins are being born and that they are identical which means he will have to release one of them.“I get the smaller one cleaned up and comfy. Then I perform a small Ceremony of Release”(137)In our world twins are valued because being a twin is an exciting, special thing. Without love this society can not value that. They see being a twin as a disadvantage because twins look similar. The solution is killing one of them, which the citizens are not able to see is wrong because love is not present in their shallow set of