Knowing she was "licked" before she began, Mrs. Dubose resists her yearnings for morphine and dies "beholden to nothing and nobody" (p. 112), winning the epic battle of will power over temptation. Although, the author paints a very ugly portrait of Mrs. Dubose, one sees a silver lining in her strength and self-motivation. It seems that Mrs. Dubose's lesson of bravery was remembered over her cruel and hideous remarks. Similar to Mrs. Dubose's fight with temptation, Scout resists her desire to act with her fists while defending her father's name. Its evident that through her self-restraint Scout takes a step further out of childhood. Scout's lesson is one all learn, that fighting doesn't take you a step further in life, only a step back. Giving into temptation is all to easy, many find it hard to say no, but Scout and Mrs. Dubose find strength in themselves and in others to stand
Knowing she was "licked" before she began, Mrs. Dubose resists her yearnings for morphine and dies "beholden to nothing and nobody" (p. 112), winning the epic battle of will power over temptation. Although, the author paints a very ugly portrait of Mrs. Dubose, one sees a silver lining in her strength and self-motivation. It seems that Mrs. Dubose's lesson of bravery was remembered over her cruel and hideous remarks. Similar to Mrs. Dubose's fight with temptation, Scout resists her desire to act with her fists while defending her father's name. Its evident that through her self-restraint Scout takes a step further out of childhood. Scout's lesson is one all learn, that fighting doesn't take you a step further in life, only a step back. Giving into temptation is all to easy, many find it hard to say no, but Scout and Mrs. Dubose find strength in themselves and in others to stand