The conservatism philosophy upholds traditionalism in social beliefs and values and the free economic enterprise (market) and promotes a limited government to encourage individualism. ( Conservatives believe the government should not interfere in daily life and have limited influence, while liberals prefer for the government to place more influence through services such as healthcare. Similarly, conservatives believe the government should tax less, and liberals believe higher taxes should be required in order to provide support for the poor through the implementation of social programs. The Republican Party is associated with conservatism in the United States. This party …show more content…
( The Democratic Party is associated with liberalism in the United States. This party seeks equality for individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds and believes the government should help citizens as much as possible, leading the creation of Obamacare, for example. ( In the political spectrum, conservatives are in the left wing, and liberals fall in the right wing. ( Conservatives hold traditional social values such as the right to bear arms, pro-life, capital punishment, and traditional marriage; contrastingly, liberals believe in restricting firearms and providing choices for other social issues. …show more content…
( According to the definition, the people (a country’s citizens) hold the power of the government. ( In practice, the republican government usually upholds its definition, and the citizens have the power to elect its representatives or vote an individual out of office. ( Because the power lies with the common people, citizens have direct control over the laws and regulations that affect them. The people have the ability to directly elect representatives who not only make decisions and laws, but also are responsible for using their elected power resourcefully. Furthermore, a Constitution outlines the laws that both citizens and officials must abide by and unalienable rights that protect them. A republican government recognizes each citizen, and therefore, this type of government directly benefits them. ( There are significantly fewer disadvantages in a republican government. The Constitution is a permanent document of rights, and it is extremely difficult to alter it. The separation and balance of powers also create a long process in the legislative process to