No one wants to suffer for eternity however for some it’s a reality.The suffering of souls was shown countless ways in the spiritual epic Dante’s Inferno.In this spiritual epic Dante is guided through hell to prevent him for continuing his poor choices.Some of these punishments were contrapasso,which means a punishment that is symbolic to their sin.Knowing all of this information I will be explaining a certain level of hell and why its punishment and its location is contrapasso. To start we need a little background information on the level of hell we’ll be focusing on.The exact level is the seventh circle where all of the murders reside.To get into this circle you have to walk down a rocky hill …show more content…
The next point is the amount of blood they have to stand in.As Dante walks along the Phlegethon River he “[sees] some [souls] who were sunk up to their browns.”(XII-42).If you were someone like Adolf Hitler in life then your entire body would be submerged in blood.However if you just killed one person then just your feet would be submerged.Dante notices some people whose feets were being scorched saying “And so the blood grew shallower until it only scorched their feets” (XII-63-64).Some cantos show punishments that are not fair to those who have to suffer however on this canto I believe the punishment is very fair. So in conclusion the seventh circle of hell the place where murders reside is not a very fun place.Despite this the punishment these people endure is very contrapasso and it feels like they set this upon themselves.To summarize this entire paper up the real lesson learned or moral learned is don't