
Examples Of Cooperative Federalism

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The themes I choose to highlight is that of Dual federalism and Cooperative federalism. In dual federalism, “power is divided between the federal and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the federal government”. This implies that the federal and state government share sovereign power over an area of people. Cooperative federalism is defined as “one where federal, state and local governments are able to cooperate to solve common problems. Because of the overlapping nature of the responsibilities of federal and state governments, making no clear distinction between the two”. From looking at the two definitions, I saw a distinct difference between the two; dual federalism is more of a rigid system which creates pressure between the levels of governments whereas in Cooperative federalism that great aspect of flexible is visual and encourages joint intergovernmental action. Instead of each level of government making different polices for shared …show more content…

As a new GPSI intern in the Department of Healthcare and family Services, Healthcare has become a major concern to states and local governments. With the high expenses for healthcare, poor citizens with a low standard of living are greatly affected. Seeing how much the impact the issue healthcare has on the country as a whole, the federal and state government had to cooperate and work collectively to solve this problem through the Medicaid program. The federal government provides funding for the implementation of the program and states are responsible for managing the program and determining how services are distributed according to the state’s own established guidelines based on income and resource limits within federal

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