Their physical condition, socioeconomic, education, and even genetics can be all intertwined in a fashion that shapes the life of the individual and health outcome. For example, not having a good economic situation is linked to not being able to buy healthy food or have access to medical treatment/medicine. Likewise, education
determines what kind of work the person will exercise in the society, and its pay is linked to the level of poverty. Genetics, is a determinant that unfortunately is irreversible.
What I do believe, is that education plays a big role in prevention. Education can be of benefit when it comes from a professional in the health field, or if it is for personal growth. Either way, it is tantamount to a better life in the society. Education, employment, and the results coming from these, economical stability, is very well known as great predictor of health. Therefore, a society that fosters education can be said to be healthy.