* Implement appropriate interventions (including actions necessary for patient safety and therapeutic intervention such as continuous and bi-level positive airway pressure, oxygen administration, etc).…
Flight nurse’s and Flight Paramedics perform as members of an aeromedical crew on helicopters (rotor wing), and airplanes (fixed wing) aircraft, providing for in-flight management and care for all types and ages of patients. Responsibilities of this job include the planning and preparation of each flight, to include such things as; safety, evaluation of an individual patient 's in-flight needs and request of appropriate medications, supplies, and equipment to provide continuing care from origination to the destination facility. They act as liaisons between facilities during an interfacility transport and from scene location to trauma center during medical and trauma related emergencies. They also initiate emergency treatment in the absence of a physician during in-flight medical emergencies. Flight nurses and flight paramedics have training in mechanical ventilation, hemodynamic support, vasoactive medications, airway, and other intensive care skills.…
Respiratory Therapy is on staff, not present, but available if needed. When Mr. B arrived he made the third patient in a six bed Emergency Department. Additional back-up staff was available if needed. Policy for nurse to patient ratio for the facility is unknown however one on one care should have been addressed with the potential for respiratory depression with Mr. B. Additional staff were available to care for the incoming patients but were not utilized. With the issue of one on one care for conscious sedation if the only concern was respiratory related the in-house respiratory therapist could have been paged to monitor Mr. B while Nurse J was caring for other patients. Knowing Mr. B’s medication history of oxycodone use for chronic pain and the added medication for sedation would most definitely qualify him for one on one care until discharge criteria were met due to the potential for respiratory depression. With the added stressors of an additional critical patient arriving for care and multiple patients with need to be seen in the Emergency Department lobby the back up staff should have been…
The CEO must rely on the hospital’s infection control officer and the hospital’s infection control team to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) by assuring that all patients on ventilators are cared for using all evidence-based recommendations, which must be proven nationally to decrease the exposure of occurring ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The infection control team must confirm or deny the accuracy of the data from the Consumers Reports (Rebmann, T.,…
1. UNIT#4Responsibility for the technical direction of a respiratory care department lies with whom?( )A) Medical director…
In order to achieve widespread compliance with the project the objective is to educate 100% of ICU nurses and more than 50% of the Interdisciplinary Team, in particular Respiratory Therapists, Physical and Occupational Therapists including Physicians. An order set for the Computerized Provider…
All of the patients described above need assistance getting sufficient amounts of oxygen into their lungs and out to their cells. When a patient has trouble breathing and utilizing the precious resource, oxygen, a specialist called a respiratory therapist is often called upon to provide treatment and support. Without…
In this scenario the emergency room physician, Dr. K, had determined that the patient, Mr. E, is suffering from lung congestion, would need immediate medical intervention in order to survive. Based on Mr. E’s diagnoses, Dr. K thought that Mr. E may not understand the urgency of the required medical intervention. Dr. K asks the nurse to speak to the patient’s brother, Mr. Y, who is the authorized person to make medical decisions for him when he is not able to. In addition, Mr. E has an advance directive on file indicating he did not want a ventilator or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The previously stated Code of Regulations implied that the nurse should be an advocate for the patient in improving his health through direct and indirect means. A nurse can positively affect a patients health by direct contact and interaction and also indirectly by providing vital information on the patient’s options and status. In this scenario, the nurse should follow the code of regulations by relaying all information to the patient’s family. This action can ensure that a decision is made with all available information.…
According to the California Board of Registered Nurses; An Explanation of the Scope of RN Practice Including Standardized Procedures (2011), if the licensed health facility, BRN and the Medical Board of California considers intubation a “Standardized Procedure” then the RN may be capable of performing the procedure (Example intubation) after all guidelines were completed. The RN must follow these guidelines in accordance to the CA BRN; Specify standard procedure, special requirements, specific training or education specify initiation and evaluation, provide scope of supervision, set forth circumstances to complete the special procedure, state limits, keep patient record of standard procedure and provide a periodic review. If the standard procure is approved and all criteria are met and followed then the RN may perform the special function.…
As a Respiratory Therapist (RT) you care for patients who have trouble breathing weather it is acute r chronic respiratory diseases. RT also provide emergency care to patient who is suffering from varies health issues such as drowning, hear attacks, stroke, or shock. Patients who get care for RT range in age from premature baby to elderly. RT examines and interview patient who has cardiopulmonary disorder or breathing problem therefore consults with doctors in order to develop the best treatment plans, however this might be different from place to place. As many healthcare profession do professionalism is among the many values that RT must shows the flied of respiratory care. Therefore, professionalism is more than any other trait that will…
* 1.0 Analyze the educational needs of the nursing staff on a general telemetry nursing unit regarding respiratory problems.…
Respiratory therapists care for people of all ages with restricted breathing problems such as emphysema, chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma. Respiratory therapists may work in hospitals, long term care facilities, physicians’ offices, and home health services. Respiratory therapists must have an associate’s degree, although most have a both an associates and bachelor’s degree from an accredited college. They are licensed in all states except Alaska (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012). Licensure requires passing a state certification or professional examination. Respiratory therapists teach patients how to use inhalers and aerosol machines. They provide counseling on smoking cessation. Also set-up, connects, and monitors ventilators for patients that cannot breathe on their own. Respiratory therapists also perform chest physiotherapy on cystic fibrosis patients to remove mucus from their lungs to make it easier for them to breathe. They also perform diagnostic testing such as Pulmonary Function Testing and Methocholine Challenge Testing. The Pulmonary Function Tests provides physicians information on the patient’s lung capacity and breathing ability to assist them in prescribing the appropriate medication. The Methocholine Challenge Test determines if the patient has reversible asthma disease. The Respiratory therapist also performs a test called polysomnogram, a test to determine if a person has sleep apnea (breathing pauses during sleep). The annual median pay for Respiratory therapists as of May 2010 is $54, 280 (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012). Employment of Respiratory therapists is expected to grow 28% from 2010 to 20120 (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012) because of the rise in the in the number of elderly with increased incident of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases that restrict lung function or cause permanent damage. Also affecting the increase in the need for respiratory therapists…
Objectives:In patients who require intubation for maxillofacial reconstruction,submental intubation is an alternative to a traditional tracheostomy. Various different methods of intubation are suitable for facial trauma cases. A choice often has to be made between orotracheal and nasotrachealintubation when surgical access to the nasal or oral cavity is necessary. This work presents our current experience using submental intubation in the airway management of facial trauma patients. Submental intubation provides intraoperative airway control, avoids use of nasal route, with minimal complications. Submental intubation allows intraoperative dental occlusion and is an acceptable option, especially when long-term postoperative ventilation is not…
As respiratory therapist it is imperative to ensure that the treatment given is of top quality as well as efficient and cost-effective. In the pass, quality care was hindered by improper recommendations on therapy for patients from physicians, which led to increased cost in respiratory care. As a result, medical directors of respiratory care and RT’s have implemented protocols to keep misallocations from occurring. In addition, to the regulations created, having properly trained and educated RT’s will also help in implementing respiratory care protocols. Maintaining excellent care is a collective effort among medical personal. Moreover, if it is proven that these protocols help all aspects of patient care, then respiratory therapists well have…
References: http://www.medgadget.com/2009/05/nava_neurally_adjusted_ventilatory_assist_ventilati on_technology.html http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/max232.pdf http://ebookbrowse.com/medical-ventilator-pdf-d171655375 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_ventilator http://www.allsensor.in/Product.aspx?CID=EXojzrVvkw8%3d&CType=ZgDIC937E8s% 253d&SEOType=L9HgxMAMmwA%253d http://www.allsensor.in/ProductDetails.aspx?CID=oTI6RBIgpg4%3d&Counter=0&SEO Type=BSuwhmB9Ll4%3d&PID=D5MZLiRACUs%3d&CType=ZgDIC937E8s%3d http://www.frankshospitalworkshop.com/equipment/documents/ventilators/service_manu als/Maquet%20Servo%20900c,d,e%20-%20Service%20manual.pdf Handbook of biomedical instrumentation by R S KHANDPUR Medical journals by CRC publications…