
Examples Of Epilogue For Animal Farm

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Examples Of Epilogue For Animal Farm
Epilogue The animals seemed to be hypnotized by the violent tumult of the pig and humans inside. Just a minute earlier, the peculiar group was laughing and making delightful toasts. Clover then stepped away from the chaos and remembered something. The scene she just encountered reminded her of the earlier days, before the rebellion. The pigs were turning into the humans. “Animals, look at them no longer. I have come to a conclusion. If Napoleon and the humans care so much about themselves, why should we help them? Don’t you see, animals? Napoleon has been tricking us all along. He makes us feel we are working for everyone’s benefit, but in fact, we are only helping him! We need to start another rebellion, but this time against Napoleon! …show more content…
There was disarray and confusion everywhere, yet Clover was calm. "Listen! If Napoleon has lied to us about everything else, why should we believe him about Snowball? Snowball is the one whom we should trust, and he can help us with the second rebellion! Who agrees with me?” By this time, all the animals were crowded around Clover. They all cheered in approval.
Meanwhile, the animals inside the farmhouse heard this uproar and immediately they stormed outside. “What is all this commotion about? There is absolutely no reason for you animals to be here causing such a disturbance! Go back to work or there will be no dinner tonight,” Napoleon cried angrily. Then he turned around and was about to enter the doorway when a familiar voice from the back of the crowd spoke out. “They will not work for you anymore, Napoleon. It is I, Snowball, who has come to save the farm.” For a second, there was nothing but silence. Everyone looked back and forth at each other, some with worried faces, some with smiles, some who could not even believe with their own eyes that Snowball was there. But soon enough, Clover and the rest of the animals roared in happiness and excitement, knowing that everything would be alright now that Snowball had come to save them. They all forgot about Napoleon, the pigs, the dogs, and the humans, who were all now standing back, speechless and in

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