Examples Of External Conflict In Everyday Use
The central conflict in "Everyday Use" is an external conflict between Mama & Maggie and Dee. I believe it is evident throughout the story that Dee believes she is better than Mama & Maggie. When reading the story, it felt as though Dee was putting on a show for others in an attempt for her to feel as though she understands her culture, when in reality she does not actually know much at all. There is no truth in Dee's accusation that her mother and sister do not understand their heritage. This accusation is actually ironic because Dee does not fully understand her heritage herself. The ideas she has created in her mind to honor her heritage do not actually honor it.
Did anyone else feel as though Mama was too kind to Dee? I felt angry at
Dee for the way she treated Mama and her culture - especially when she changed her name that had been passed down for so many generations. I also felt sad because of how Maggie felt so inferior to her sister.