First of all, learning and identifying fallacies through critical thinking help you avoid accepting a weak argument. By identifying the specific words and patterns that go along with fallacies you can make a smart conclusion as to if arguments are faulty or not. An example of a fallacy seen worldwide that tricks people into believing bad arguments is appeal to popularity. This fallacy uses the popularity of a premise as evidence that it is true. This is a fallacy that is very hard to distinguish because our minds tell us that if something is popular it must be valid, but with the skill to identify specific words such as everyone, and most people it is very easy to tell when this fallacy is being used. This is a quick and efficient way to point out fallacies in an argument so that you protect yourself against
First of all, learning and identifying fallacies through critical thinking help you avoid accepting a weak argument. By identifying the specific words and patterns that go along with fallacies you can make a smart conclusion as to if arguments are faulty or not. An example of a fallacy seen worldwide that tricks people into believing bad arguments is appeal to popularity. This fallacy uses the popularity of a premise as evidence that it is true. This is a fallacy that is very hard to distinguish because our minds tell us that if something is popular it must be valid, but with the skill to identify specific words such as everyone, and most people it is very easy to tell when this fallacy is being used. This is a quick and efficient way to point out fallacies in an argument so that you protect yourself against