
Examples Of Foil Characters In Macbeth

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Examples Of Foil Characters In Macbeth
In literature, a foil character is someone who shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualties’ of another character. In Macbeths play I find that a couple characters fit that quality. And the characters are Banquo, Malcom, maybe King Duncan. Banquo is a foil character because of the fact that in the beginning of the play the witches told Banquo that he’s promised to be father of many kings. Which later in the play we learn that isn’t true. But both Macbeth and Banquo become obsessed with the witches “promises.” Banquo although is very intelligent just as Macbeth is, he keeps his morals and allegiance, but ends up dying. He was a brave and ambitious just like Macbeth. Malcom is also a good character who foils Macbeth, this is because

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