
Examples Of Foreshadowing In A Tale Of Two Cities

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Examples Of Foreshadowing In A Tale Of Two Cities
Throughout A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens uses foreshadowing to further the plot of the novel. Dickens foreshadows the plot in a number of ways.
In Chapter Five of Book One, Dickens the wine that spills into the streets as a metaphor for the blood spilled in the revolution. Outside of a wine-shop, a wine cask is broken in the street. Many people rush around the puddle on the ground trying to scoop it up and drink as much as they can. Dickens describes this by saying "All the people within reach had suspended their business…. Moisture wine-rotted fragments with eager relish" on pages 34 - 35. This goes to show how desperate the people are. A man writes the word "BLOOD" on a wall next to where the cask broke open. This foreshadows the violence of the unruly mobs later in the novel. This scene points out how impoverished the people of Paris are and how rowdy a crowd can become when they are unified under a united cause. The breaking of the wine cask also outlines one of the themes of the book, which is darkness, and gives a dark, gloomy atmosphere to the story and the motif ‘blood’.
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Madame Defarge is a very hateful character in the book and she and her husband are the leader of the Jaquerie, a group a people that are planning the revolution. Madame Defarge's knitting foreshadows the upcoming revolution, in that she is knitting a register of people that she believes must be killed. Also, her knitting foreshadows the imprisonment and death of Charles Darnay, as well as the violence that will soon come. Madame Defarge’s knitting proves to be much more than just knitting and it foreshadowed the savage violence that would occur later in the

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