Through developing goals in life, an individual is able to identify and recognize that something of importance needs to be achieved. For some it may be harder to achieve goals than others but this is partly due to the lack of perseverance or grit. As exemplified in the article True Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth and Lauren Eskreis-Winkler …show more content…
As it is seen in the article on “Why the Growth Mindset is the Only Way to Learn” several people made excuses and claimed that “‘I couldn’t work on computers. I’m just not good with them,”’ or “I’m not smart enough to run my own business” (Edudemic Staff). Through examining these statements, one is able to conclude that as soon as people allow themselves to give up, only negative outcomes will develop. Once individuals realize the importance of working through an adverse situation, then these people will further down the path of greatness and achievement. By allowing one’s self to give up, failure will most likely sprout which then creates a domino effect of repeated failures. This mindset is essential to have as it ties into the rest of the ideas of developing goals and undertaking challenges, as