“The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation” (Jeremy Bentham). Morality is the distinction between doing what is right and what is wrong. There are many principles of morality like existentialism, utilitarianism, contractarianism, etc. Utilitarianism is defined as doing what is best for the most amount of people. The main question that arises from this theory is: What is considered best? This can be answered through hedonism. Hedonism defines good as anything that can be pleasurable. There are two main kinds of utilitarianism: act and rule. Act utilitarianism is when performing an action, you choose the path that provides the best overall results. Rule utilitarianism is …show more content…
She has a secret affair with the local farmer, John Proctor. The only thing that lies in her way is Elizabeth Proctor, John’s wife. Abigail wants to get Elizabeth out of John’s life. She is willing to go to extreme lengths to make Elizabeth “disappear.” She and other girls from her village, along with her uncle’s slave, Tituba, went into the woods to cast spells on people. Abigail wants Tituba to curse Elizabeth. It was at this time that Reverend Parris happened upon them in the woods. It is Abigail’s fault that the girls and Tituba ever had this idea of wanting to curse people. If not for Abigail, the Salem Witch Trials will never occur. She will not call “witch” upon the women of the village and there will be no chaos and hangings. Abigail will have the choice to save about 20 women from death. However, she chooses against this path and instead causes a uproar in the small town of Salem, …show more content…
She wanted nothing more than the love of her life to love her back. She wants Elizabeth Proctor to “disappear” so that John will be able to love her openly. In her loveblind ways, she accuses about 20 women in the town of Salem Massachusetts of practicing witchcraft. The women who were accused are hanged for their crimes. She did not recognise her mistakes and instead choose to flee Salem that admit to her wrongdoing and confess to her mistakes. She had the opportunity to free the women and save their lives, but instead ran away from her problems. Abigail never realized that loving somebody with so much passion, can kill other