The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald includes identity as a theme. The main character Gatsby, practices to establish his identity to be viewed in a positive way. His view of his own identity is affected by his personal relationships with other characters in the book. Fitzgerald uses other characters identities to help expand Gatsby's identity in a negative or positive. In the Great Gatsby Fitzgerald builds Gatsby’s identity by how the characters perceive and interact with him.
When Gatsby was a boy he “had a book and on the last fly-leaf was printed the word Schedule”that schedule was used to help build up his identity (174). Gatsby as a kid used this strict schedule to learn and communicate and form himself …show more content…
When Gatsby talks to Nick, Nick thought “ that he was choosing words with care” (48). Gatsby picks his words to pull off an identity of being an educated man and to make some of his lies flow with his identity such as him being an Oxford man. His actions are based off how he believes others will react. For example Gatsby first tells Jordan his plan to win Daisy back and prove to Daisy that he is the right one for her. He is setting up Nick and how he wants Nick to perceive him so later he will do him a favor. Gatsby also wants Daisy to perceive him as a wealthy and powerful man who can provide for her. Gatsby offers to “ show her around” his house to show Daisy that it is expensive and that he is a wealthy man(94). Fitzgerald also helps build his identity by using Gatsby’s interactions with other …show more content…
Tom’s perception of Gatsby is that he is “one of that bunch that hangs around Meyer Wolfshiem” (141). This is giving a negative impression that Gatsby is a liar and a cheater as Meyer is. Gatsby’s identity and Meyer Wolfshiem’s identity clash to make another negative outlook on Gatsby. Many rumors have a negative effect on the identity Gatsby is trying to create. While some rumors could be true it still hurts the perception of Gatsby. One of the biggest identity clash is between Nick and Gatsby. Nick is known for being honest and he does not lie. While Gatsby is lying to build a better perception of himself. He lies to Nick hoping that Nick “doesn’t get the wrong idea of him” and in the end it hurts Nick’s perception of Gatsby