Magical imagery in The Great Gatsby enforces the notion that no one really knows Gatsby even if they think they do. It keeps him mysteriously hidden from what people think they see. The narrator Nick says, “When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and i was alone again in the …show more content…
Everybody thinks he has everything he could ever want. He is so stuck in this vision of himself that he believes he has obtained the american dream as well. But in reality he is fooling himself. He realizes at the end that he has been blind to the fact that he does not actually have everything, “Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever” (98). The green light represents Gatsby's american dream. Part of his personal American Dream is to get his ¨enchanted object,¨ Daisy. Getting Daisy means moving up the social scale for Gatsby. Fitzgerald uses ¨vanished forever¨ to show how Gatsby is coming to a realization that even if people think he has it all he will never be able to truly achieve this American Dream he has tried so hard to convince himself he already