One instance in which things were not brought to justice is found within John Proctor's story. The man was accused of witchcraft and was set to hang and end his only life. He was then faced with two options. The first option would be for John to confess to a false accusation which would spare his life but ruin his name forever. Some attempt to persuade John to go for this option, speaking of life being "God's most precious gift" and that wasting it would be the greatest sin (Miller 206). But John must think over his other option which is to be hung while still
One instance in which things were not brought to justice is found within John Proctor's story. The man was accused of witchcraft and was set to hang and end his only life. He was then faced with two options. The first option would be for John to confess to a false accusation which would spare his life but ruin his name forever. Some attempt to persuade John to go for this option, speaking of life being "God's most precious gift" and that wasting it would be the greatest sin (Miller 206). But John must think over his other option which is to be hung while still