Since the Bibles creation, it has been heavily scrutinized by many individuals and oftentimes deemed flawed due to misinterpretation and or clear understanding of the logic behind the words written. Main concerns about the Bible is that the book was scribed by forty (40) separate authors and compiled from thousands of manuscripts, in different languages, over hundreds of years, from a variety of locations around the world, with little collaboration, and ultimately interpreted into hundreds of translations. Arguably, the mere compilation of the Bible could be viewed inconsistent per the different translations, thereby attributing to a superficial form of faith guided by confused customs. Although the …show more content…
Hence the phrase, ‘Inspiration of Scripture’, means that God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very Word of God. In the context of the Scriptures, the word “inspiration” simply means “God-breathed.” Inspiration means the Bible truly is the Word of God. While there are different views as to the extent to which the Bible is truly inspired by God, and or the validity of the text within itself, there can be no doubt that the Bible itself claims that every word in every part of the Bible comes from God. Inspirationally the Scriptures are referred to as, “Verbal Plenary” - whereas the inspiration given to the authors to scribe the Bible is driven from the very words themselves as opposed to concepts or ideas and extend to the Scripture. Some people believe only parts of the Bible are inspired or only the thoughts or concepts that deal with religion are inspired, but these views of inspiration fall short of the Bible’s claims about …show more content…
It’s derived from the spiritual enlightenment gained by seeking more from the word and applying one’s own understanding and knowledge of the word to your life. In essence illumination of scripture is realizing of the reality and relevance of those activities of the triune God to which Scripture testifies. Individual seeking deep knowledge of God can bring about this realization in one’s mind and heart. The work of the Spirit in imparting this knowledge is called “illumination,” or enlightening. It is not a giving of new revelation, but a work within us that enables us to grasp and to love the revelation that is there before us in the biblical text as heard and read, and as explained by the teachers and writers of the