Jim Crow Laws and To Kill A Mockingbird Some of the Jim Crow Laws included: The Jim Crow Laws were a system of laws and regulations that African Americans were forced to follow between 1877 and the mid-1960s. The laws were to keep black people "separate but equal" from white people enforced racial segregation and discrimination towards black people. Later in the 20th century, the Jim Crow laws were considered a "violation of civil rights and therefore unconstitutional". The Jim Crow laws were passed to ensure that segregation between black and white people would be enforced in public places such as neighborhoods, schools, businesses, restrooms, and more. There were also "unspoken rules" that black people had to follow in some communities. A black male couldn't offer his hand to a white male because it could have implied them as being socially equal. A black male also couldn't offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman because he could be accused of rape.Blacks and whites weren't supposed to eat together. And if they did eat together, the whites had to be served first, and there had to be some kind of separation between them. The Jim Crow laws had a strong influence on the lives of many people during the time they were enforced in America. Many examples and traces of this influence can be found in To Kill A Mockingbird. There always had to be separation between white and black people, and if there was not, whites and blacks were considered to be "socially equal", which wasn't "acceptable" at the time. This caused racial segregation and discrimination. To Kill A Mockingbird and the Jim Crow Laws works cited The name Jim Crow was believed to have originated when a white man named Thomas "Daddy" Rice dressed up as a black man, danced, and sung the song, "Jump Jim Crow". It attracted attention and soon became used as a racial slur. A black male could not offer to light a white woman's cigarette because it implied intimacy.Black people could not show…