"We gained control of many things, but we had to let go of others." Jonas being the new receiver is receiving his qualities like wisdom along with the memories too. He has come to this conclusion very early unlike The Giver. The community is hypocritical due to their mindset. The community is hypocritical because their mindset is that everything has to be the same. They think sameness is the solution to getting rid of everything else like colors. "We gained control of many things," the leaders had decided to gain control instead of letting it be. They comentó do that because everything just HAD to be perfect. My example supports my main topic because my main topic states that they created …show more content…
the sameness to solve all of their problems. They basically brain wash people. In my example I stated that they gained control of many things, but they had to let other things go. My next example is when Jonas was assigned his assignment, it was different from normal assignments and other people started to treat him differently than they used to because of his job. My example supports my topic because I talked about how the community says that they want sameness but they go and make certain people special. My next example will talk about the hidden embarrassment they give you. If you do something wrong, (this specifically happened to Jonas multiple times) they make a public announcement, everyone hears it.
But they only do that to citizens. My third example supports my topic and thesis because they treat certain people different and they favor others too. For example they make a public announcement if a citizen does something, but if your an important person they don't do that. They don't just let it go but they don't make it public. This is my conclusion on how they don't allow emotions but they embarrass you for doing something. They give hidden embarrassment. The community is hypocritical due to their mindset. The community, more specifically their leader/s are very stubborn and only think what they do is right. They feed the people lies because they don't want anything in their utopia to go wrong. The leaders of the community are unfair and rude because of their actions. This is why I think that the community is hypocritical. I think that the giver relates to the real world because in the book they control a lot of things. They control who and what your going to be. They control who gets to be in office. That happens in the real world and the real world is also hypocritical like that