“Macbeth” a text written by William Shakespeare set in 11th century that follows a Scottish thane and his rise to the throne as a result of many cases of manipulation.According to the natural order which was the law of the times a king was chosen by god and the title should not be allowed to be obtained by want for it.The first instance of manipulation in the text comes from the witches when they announce that he will soon become king as well as thane of Cawdor.”All hail,Macbeth,hail thee,Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!”.When Macbeth is named “Thane of Cawdor” shortly after a seed is planted in Macbeth's mind that it may be possible for the throne to become his.He soon realizes that he would need to
kill the current king and his son,because of this he decides that the risk is not worth the reward.The second major case of manipulation comes from lady Macbeth and her trying to convince Macbeth that he needs to carry out the assassination.”When durst do it then you will be a man”.Questioning a man's manhood would have been on of the most worrying thing for a person such as Macbeth,the manipulation was so strong that it made him go against his own will and disobey the natural order.The things we hold close to ourselves are the easiest things we can be manipulated by and this happens in many cases throughout the world today.Many young people in today's society are told by their parents that they should follow the normal route and not finding out what we truly want and 99 out of 100 times we listen to them because we hold our parents and loved ones views of ourselves extremely high even if we know deep down it affects us negatively.