
Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth
Masculinity and manhood is a running theme Macbeth. Throughout the play, Shakespeare challenges the traditional gender roles during that time period by having the female counterparts act superior among the men. Generally, men had the power and control over the women; however Macbeth reverses the traditional power division through Lady Macbeth and the witches although it maintains distinction by solidifying the powers men possess. Women during this time were submissive, uneducated, and had no say in society. However, Lady Macbeth’s actions are far from how women typically acted. In Act 1, Scene 5, Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as educated. When she reads the letter from Macbeth stating his promotion as Thane of Cawdor, Lady Macbeth’s new

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