Christopher Sly (the drunken bum) is told that he is a lord and has a wife. “‘...Servants, leave me and her alone. Madam, undress you and come now to bed’” (In.2.99-100). Sly has only barely found out that he has a wife (even though it isn’t true and he is being treated like a lord as a huge prank) and already he expects the ‘woman’ (actually a disguised male servant) to jump into bed with him. Many of the men in this story expect the women to do what they are …show more content…
told, whether it is something the women want or not. This lack of respect is present throughout the play and showed thought the scene here. This lack of respect follows the mood throughout the entire play.
Petruchio arrives in Padua and is convinced to court Katherine.
Why did I come here if not for that? Do you think a little burst of noise can intimidate me—I, who have heard lions roar? I, who have survived storms at sea where the winds raged like wild animals? I, who have heard the rumble of guns in battle—and thunder in the sky (heaven’s version of artillery).(1.2 170-176) Petruchio is only there for the money and he showing how he so manly and he can handle any woman. Petruchio accepted the challenge of taming the shrew, so the rest of the play will be about how he tries to tame the shrew. Petruchio doesn't about falling in love with Katherine, he justing going to marry her for the money regardless of how Katherine feels about it. Petruchio shows this same unacknowledgement of the feeling of Katherine continues thought the play leading to her
Back at Petruchio’s house, Kate is still being mistreated by him.“This is a way to kill a wife with kindness, And thus I’ll curb her mad and headstrong humor. He that knows better how to tame a shrew,
Now let him speak; ‘tis charity to show”
( This show misogyny of how Petruchio is telling everyone this is how to tame a shrew and no one can do it better then he can. Katherine, later on, summits to Petruchio and his demands. Throughout this scene, it really shows how rude and abuse he's been to Katherine the past days. Before and after his arrival no one has respect for each other.
Misogyny is really showed throughout the play by how Petruchio treats Katerine until she is finally tamed. The plays starts out with a cruel prank on a drunk man. Follow by the arrival of Petruchio and his goal to marry anyone. Leading up to the mistreatment of Katherine and her being tamed. This makes me think about Forced marriages when one or both of the parties is married without his or her consent or against his or her will.