Leadership Theories
Nursing 4365
July 21, 2014
Vicki Hartin, Phd(c), RN, CNE
West Texas A & M University
The Theory of Leadership
Leadership is defined by Yoder-Wise (2011) as the process by which one uses personal traits to effectively and ethically lead patients, families and staff to accomplish clinical and organizational outcomes. Theory is defined by nursing-theory.org (2013) as a belief, policy or procedure that is followed to accomplish a mission (nursing-theory.org, 2013). Theory has everything to do with nursing, it answers questions that need answers, it supports evidence based practice and it guides, directs and sharpens clinical and organizational problem solving …show more content…
As I lead the evening shift as the staffing coordinator I am the only administration on grounds after five pm, so at times I am making decisions on the spur of the moment to take care of the situation at hand, this is where my Situational-Contingency Theory traits comes in. When I am in a relaxed state with support from other administration members during the day my Transformational Leadership Theory traits are in operation, however I believe Transformational Leadership Theory describes my traits …show more content…
At the Terrell State Hospital where I work, we have an I caught you caring reward system where if a Manager sees an employee exhibiting caring behavior to their patients I can write one and give to Nursing Administration and that person will receive a five dollar gift certificate to eat in the hospital on campus canteen, If they have five I care incidences they get a seventy five dollars Walmart Shopping card, after a while I began seeing employees interacting more with their customers on the floors on a daily basis. According to Yoda-Wise (2011) Transformational nurse leaders will experiment with systems redesign, empower staff and promote knowledge of practice at the patient bedside.
In the practice of nursing, individuals with all levels of education intermingle with each other and those members that have extraordinary abilities take on the challenge of leading the team, considering everyone’s strengths and weaknesses to make it work for the common goal of excellent patient care. A leader leads the team to better themselves by making sure everyone in the team is being encouraged to give their best contribution that one can