My mother sent me along with my father to the U.S. for a better being. There were more opportunities and a better future for my brother and me here. At the time, I didn’t know what was going on. Ever since my life has been full of obstacles. Having to leave my mother behind at that age seemed customary to me until I started having recognition. As I grew older, everything became very remote and missed my mother day-to-day.
Life has been rough, but I’m a very determined person. It all started when I turned fourteen years old. Being this young really made me wretched at the fact that I had to work for my necessities and wants. Watching other teenagers get their desires made me realize how challenging life was for oneself. I didn’t appreciate my dad’s actions and how they contrived my life. At the time, I was just an ordinary teenager wanting to be equivalent to others and having materialistic things. …show more content…
Today, I am eighteen years old, graduating high school. I do not regret one thing about my past life. I admire and respect my father in every way. He spent partial time giving me my necessities and also made me into the man I am today. Today I am a hard working man and very appreciative of all the blessings that have been coming my way. With the little I’ve been given, I believe I’ve accomplished a whole. My dad made me perceive that not everything in life is given to you. Life is hard, but I’ve learned how to survive by haven been exposed to the real world at a young