‘‘Like a miracle, the small amounts of water revived them, they were able to stagger to their feet and join the group as the walking continued.’’ Most people probably wouldn't even remember this quote it stayed with …show more content…
They had a lot of trouble. “He kept working and kept the others working too. They patched the bag again. The drilling went on.” These men would stop at nothing to bring water to Nya’s family. It got harder for them working in the heat all day, so many people doubting them. They never stopped because, the boss knew what it was like. Salva understood.
Before the well was built for Nya’s family, they had to get water somehow. Nya walked sixteen hours to the pond a back to bring water to her family. “To the pond and back- to the pond and back- nearly a full day of walking all together. This was Nya’s daily routine seven months of the year.” She didn’t go to school, she rarely saw her family all to take care of them. I doubt she enjoyed the long walk, but she persevered and did it.
All of these people have persevered ,some in worse situations than others. These aren’t the only ones though. Like I said in the beginning Salva in a great example and so is Marial, Uncle, his father and many others. No matter how tough it got these people never gave up, many almost did, but someone always reminded them of the bigger