What is a religion? What is a God? In times of peace, and in times of agony a person places their faith in an entity they have never seen. More than half of the world believe in a God, base their life on a God, and worship their God with every fiber of their being. This is religion. Elie Wiesel is an example of how people's view of religion can change. Throughout the memoir Night, this devout follower of the Jewish religion becomes skeptical of everything he believes in eventually forsaking his religion entirely. Wiesel was a young boy when this loathsome war began. Like any young lad, he was eager for knowledge, but not just any knowledge. Wiesel wanted to know about the perilous world of mysticism. ”He wanted to drive the notion
What is a religion? What is a God? In times of peace, and in times of agony a person places their faith in an entity they have never seen. More than half of the world believe in a God, base their life on a God, and worship their God with every fiber of their being. This is religion. Elie Wiesel is an example of how people's view of religion can change. Throughout the memoir Night, this devout follower of the Jewish religion becomes skeptical of everything he believes in eventually forsaking his religion entirely. Wiesel was a young boy when this loathsome war began. Like any young lad, he was eager for knowledge, but not just any knowledge. Wiesel wanted to know about the perilous world of mysticism. ”He wanted to drive the notion