and trys to hurt his family. The process a religious hypocrite uses to prey; is a slow one, thus an individual wouldn 't be hurt right away but easily bought. Likwise in Tartuffe, the character Tartuffe has to set up his stage first, to act out his facade of a holy man to gain trust, so in time he can benefit from it. He casually references his holy deeds, but with a "humble manner" as if no one but himself was listening. "Laurant, lock up my scourge and hair shirt too. And pray that our Lord 's grace wil shine on you. if anyone wants me, I 've gone to share my alms at prison with the inmates there."(3.2.1-4) He spews out a bunch of religious cliches quite loudly for anyone near to hear, but acts as if it no big deal that he shares his money with prisoners and wears a hairshirt. A hairshirt at that time was worn as penance and a person would never reveal that they wore one. The fact that he loudly anounces it shows his hypocritical character. However innocent people such as Orgon precieve it as a humble or even noble attempt to be pious. It was only natural that Orgon wholeheartedly trusted the pious man, but he trusted Tartuffe to the point where he gave him a free access into his personal life. Tartuffe then having such power becomes fearless to make his moves. "Of the audacious truth that I love you, that only you can make my wish come true..." (3.3.77-78) He first preys on Orgon by trying to steal his wife. He casually confesses his love (lust) and offers Elmire (Orgon 's wife) to keep thier affair a secret. Not only is Tartuffe betraying Orgon, he was also trying to break his family apart. Poor Orgon however was blinded by his true believing nature. His faith (in this case Tarruffe) meant everything to him. The revelation of Tartuffe 's inapopriate proposal didn 't even get through to him. Instead he acuses his own son of trying to get rid of Tartuffe with lies. Perhaps Orgon jumps to this conclusion because he knew from his earlier experiances, that his son, Damis doesnt like Tartuffe. His acusations toawrd Damis get stonger as Taruffe preaches about what a sinful thing he has done. "Traitor! And how dare you even try to tarnish this man 's virtue with such a lie?" (3.6.20-21) "Don 't acuse him...believe his story, why be on my side?... I have no worth at all."(3.6.25-33) "I disinherit you, you traitor, you 're blight on this house." (3.6.78-79) In the end orgon disowns his son without even bothering to verify his revelation. This clearly shows prgoression in the preying process, his act is fully in motion and working. Tartuffe 's hypocrisy goes unnoticed by Orgon once again, as he shouts his pious lines. This time though he incrimiates himself to get out of trouble. Once off the hook, Tattuffe is well aware he controls the house. Damis 's eviction is further beneficial to him in the way that it keeps his true nature in the dark. Tartuffe has total domination over Orgon 's life and his targets only get bigger. Orgon illistrates his attachment with Tartuffe from very early in the plot, but his level of reverence is really shown when he breaks a vow and forces his daughter into marriage with Tartuffe.
His goal was to make Tartuffe his son and owner of his property. As the plot develops the marriage is disregarded and Orgon hands away his property without closing the deal. "Will accept this gift I propose?... Poor man! A contract 's what we need to write. And let all the envious burst with spite." (3.7.42-44) The property given was originally supposed to be Damis 's but he was disinherited earlier thus the marriage deal becomes becomes null. Again Tartuffe 's hypocritic side comes out when he claims he 's only taking the property because he doesnt want the evil to get their hands on it. "So lack of wealth has never made me bitter... I am saving, so everyone understands, this wealth from falling into the wrong hands." (4.1.61-62). Of course Orgon believes Tartuffe word for word, but through his wholehearted trust his gave away more than just property. Organ shared all his secrets, even documents that determine his whole life. The Ultimate advantage was given. Tartuffe more powerful than ever fearlessly tries to seduce Elmire. This was his high point of deceit, even caught red handed by Orgon he quickly dissmisses the situation. He reminds Organ he owns the house and his precious documents, and orders Orgon out of his own
house. Tartuffe played his act very well, slowly earning trust, completely dominating Orgon 'c common senses, and finally double crossing him when he had all what he wanted. When Orgon was no longer beneficial he went threw him away. Moliere shows how people can be easily fooled by the charlatans, and how the Theocratic Government (religious hypocrites preyed on innocent indiciduals of the French society for their own benefits.
Works Cited:
Moliere, . Tartuffe. First Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc, 2009. Print.