shows that people are more willing to sacrifice for others they are close to rather than complete strangers. The article “Families and Sacrifice: Alternative Models and Meanings for Family Theory” highlights that sacrifice is an essential part in creating a moral community. It makes one feel wanted and cared for, which in turn creates a unified society. A 2011 article “Sacrifice and Marital Satisfaction” by Melissa Hall and Joshua Hall details how often one sacrifices for others depends on how healthy a marital relationship turns out. If people show commitment in a relationship it positively affects one's willingness to sacrifice for the other. When people are raised having different values, the act of sacrificing for friends and family can result in either positive or negative effects.
Friends play an important role in molding the person one becomes. Even closer friends will go to any extent to help people who really matter to them. It is evident in the novel, The Kite Runner, when Hassan takes a horrible punishment so, Amir, the narrator and a brother figure to Hassan, would receive praise from his father who has neglected him his whole life. friendships are a highly-regarded value for some people. In this novel, Hassan proved that he was a reliable friend that promised to run the last kite for Amir (Hosseini 79). This shows how people's morals can alter situations to benefit the person they're sacrificing for. However, it often ends poorly for the person who is carrying out the sacrifice. For example, Hassan experienced rape, while Amir got the praise he was looking for when he brought the bright, blue kite home to his father (75). To others, Being accepted by people highly respect elders is a value that they deem higher than friendship. When people are put in unfortunate situations friends will often assist. This was evident in The Kite Runner when Amir wanted Hassan’s son, Sohrab, to get out of the descending country of Pakistan. He made many calls and pulled a lot of strings to get Sohrab out of that orphanage. This shows dedication towards a family-friend member and how he wants to protect them from living a horrid life. The bad experiences people have in life prepares them for helping friends if they ever come across something similar that situation.
Family and marital relationships require a great deal of self-sacrifice.
marriage is all about sacrifice and doing whatever it takes to satisfy the other partner. It makes one another feel wanted and cherished. Hall concludes that people who sacrifice for a significant other may have a different outcome based on their motives (Hall 4). As an example, “...sacrificing to attempt to enhance a partner's happiness, may lead to positive emotions and enhance marital satisfaction” (4). Small actions such as coming home to make dinner, or taking time out of the day to call to wish someone a great day is small, but a positive sacrifice that will result in an optimist outcome. However, “Using an avoidance motive, such a sacrifice things to prevent a partner from losing interest in the relationship, may lead to resentment or anxiety. Avoidance motives may get some temporary relief, but other negative emotions it may bring may decrease his satisfaction in the marriage” (4). It is okay to take some time apart from time to time to figure out a relationship, but to use this as a motive will not fulfill a partner's desires. Steering clear of a loved one is the first step to an unhealthy relationship. Talking situations out will lead to a much happier result. Todorov feels that simply caring for someone is not sacrificed because people find greater enjoyment in caring (Grondahl 10). He is trying to portray that it is not easy to give up something for somebody, so there is a pain in sacrificing, therefore not feeling as rewarded as if someone were to just care for an
Different experiences an individual has influences the optimistic and pessimistic motives they have for sacrificing for others. The act of sacrificing for people close to somebody creates a special unity between each other. Friends and close family members are more eager and willing to sacrifice for people they know instead of complete strangers because it gives more satisfaction to the sacrifice. The type of sacrifice people can endure can go from coming home a half an hour early to make dinner for their family to people often sacrificing one’s pride and suffer enormous pain to offer assistance to a family member or friend. It depends on the values that an individual was brought up with that leads a person to sacrifice resulting in a positive or negative outcome. If the act of sacrificing creates for a moral society, why do some individuals decide to opt out rather than save lives? A minor sacrifice to someone may mean the world to someone else.