The Question of Origin— (How did life begin? How did mankind come into existence?) Secular humanists have set their sights on the cultural and educational establishments of Western civilization with the goal of destroying Christian influence and replacing it with their own. Secular humanism can be defined as a belief that humanity is capable of self-fulfillment and morality without believing in God. (Hindson & Caner 2008) They hold their views on that God and any other gods do not exist. Secular Humanist believe that mankind came into existence by science. They believe in the theory of the evolution and do side with Darwinism and do not believe in life after death, where Christianity believes that God created everything and there is life after death in Heaven.
The Question of Identity— …show more content…
Secular humanists do not consider humans greater than any animals since their views are based on that we all came from the same species. In contrast, Secular humanism believe that the only reason that humans are smarter than animals is due to evolution. So basically, we are all the same species just mankind is the smarter animal out of all.
The Question of Meaning/Purpose— (Why does mankind exist? Why do I exist?) Christianity tells us that we exist to know God and to have a personal relationship with God’s son, Jesus Christ. So, in contrast, Secular humanist do not believe in God, they believe that we are evolved from the insignificant and impersonal. So, the reason we exist is because we are supposed to impact the world and the people around us with a positive impact. “Meaning in life comes when self is expanded into all of its potential. Therefore, secular humanism has sometimes been called the human potential movement.” (Cosgrove 2006)
The Question of Morality— (What is meant by right and wrong? How should I