
Examples Of Settle Colonialism Today

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Examples Of Settle Colonialism Today
Settle colonialism is when a foreign nation arrives in an already inhabited location and decides to permanently inhabit and create their own new society in that location, effectively taking the land from the previous owners. Australia has been settler colonised from 1788 until now with settler colonialism operations still incorporated into the system now, even after it being 236 years since it was first colonised, showing that Australia’s government is still scared of the previous inhabitants taking back the land despite them having almost any political strength and military. Some of the ways that Settler colonialism is still in effect today is with the disproportionate child protection policies that seem to be targeted towards Aboriginal people and …show more content…
Political suppression Another example of the settler colonialism directed towards the Aboriginal people is the political suppression put upon them. Coming from this year we saw “The Voice” referendum voted against by the minor majority of people signifying that people still have a concern for the Aboriginal people gaining any political power. As stated by Aunty Tracey, an elder of the Awabakal Gaewegal tribe, “this was the most racist year I’ve experienced since the 1970s” (Foley S, 2024). Due to the massive controversies of the voice referendum, a lot of Aboriginal people have been suffering due to an increase in harassment from racist people wanting the Aboriginal people to have no voice despite having lived on the land much longer than the current settlers. This prejudice has been happening all throughout the political space and has prevented the 3.8% First Nations people from having a say due to the small proportion in relation to all of

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