vigorous training and skill, to bigger and more significant things like political elections and __________. But naturally, with good most often comes bad, and thus the negative aspects of social Darwinism are brought to light - fighting, war, poverty - too many social ills are the result of ignorant upperclassmen attempting to justify their superiority through a theory who's true nature is in the betterment of mankind.
However, it is wrong to view this delicate subject with narrowmindedness, which brings us to the many different views that have been developed and scrutized over the years. Herbert Spencer, the Englishman most associated with social Darwinism, yet not actually considered a social Darwinist, coined the term "survival of the fittest", and applied it to society. He believed humanitarian impulses should be resisted, and that the strong should continue getting stronger, while the weak are left to become weaker and eventually die off, automatically producing prosperity. Spencer also argued that it was the individual (as opposed to the whole class) that evolved. Francis Galton, Darwin's own cousin, also partook in the social Darwinism craze. He believed that just how physical traits could be carried through generations, so could mental traits (genius and talent).
Ultimately, the result of the natural laws of social Darwinism will be revealed when