
Examples Of Social Stratification In Gattaca

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Examples Of Social Stratification In Gattaca
We can all agree that some people are too rich, while others are too poor. It’s all about in which social class you stand. Social stratification is part of our life; no one really pays attention because we are all too busy trying to make it in life. Watching “Gattaca” (1997), actually opened my eyes and mind to so many things realizing that I’ve always known is just that I never really paid attention to it. Social stratification refers to the category that people is put in depending on where they stand economically. There’s the lower class, middle class, upper class, and we have the extremely rich people. Well, I guess the upper class and extremely rich people can fit into the same category if we want to keep it in three categories. One of the problems we have around the world is that the middle class is disappearing slowly. The rich are becoming more rich, the middle class are becoming poor, and the poor are getting more poor. That’s how you know there is a problem with today’s economy, and it’s a result of the interconnectedness …show more content…
The didn’t come out in the movie that often. The movie mainly focused on how the rich were the ones that had order in their life and the clothing, language, posture, etc. was different. For example, the detectives couldn't do much about the murder of the mission director because director Josef was always concern on how that was going to affect his mission on sending his people out of space. Director Josef has more money and power than the detectives, everything was harder to accomplish. It wouldn’t had been the something if the the murder had to do with the lower class people. People in the lower class are taken advantage of and a lot of the times there isn’t much we can do. That is another way Vincent succeeded in life. He got out of home and became rich. It might of been with someone else’s identity, but he still accomplished his goal and I think that is what

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