Examples Of Socialized Medicine
Socialized medicine is a medical care system in which the government retains and functions most medical facilities and engages most physicians. A good example of this is system is in the country of Sweden. In 1891, Sweden began a required system of government medical care. Citizens paid and still pay for this program with their taxes. These particular taxes are among the highest in the world. Normally, doctors in Sweden are government employees, and many hospitals are government operated. In the United States, there is a direct-fee medical care system. This is a medical care system in which patients pay directly for the services of physicians and hospitals. The United States is the only high-income nation having no widespread, government-funded
program of medical care. With a direct-fee medical care system, patients pay the hospital for the assistance given to them. With a socialized medicine system, patients pay taxes to the hospitals for themselves and others safety in case of injuries.