I'm pretty , I'm cool, I dominate this school, Who am I ? Just guess, I'm rocking', I smile, And many think I'm vile . I'm flying , I jump! whoo I'm major roar. We cheer and we lead! We never like to read! Hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well we don't like you either! We are cheerleaders , We are cheerleaders " (http#www#songlyrics#com/) . Cheerleaders are often pictured as skinny , popular , adored by boys (usualy footbal players ) , cliquish and airheaded. But cheerleaders are NOT like this . One of the main stereotypes for cheerleaders is that they are skinny , but to cheerleader size and shape does not matter . Now to be a cheerleader health is important and cheerleaders often must exercise rigorously in order to make it through a routine . Another steriotype is that cheerleaders are popular, now it is true that cheerleaders happen to have lots of
I'm pretty , I'm cool, I dominate this school, Who am I ? Just guess, I'm rocking', I smile, And many think I'm vile . I'm flying , I jump! whoo I'm major roar. We cheer and we lead! We never like to read! Hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well we don't like you either! We are cheerleaders , We are cheerleaders " (http#www#songlyrics#com/) . Cheerleaders are often pictured as skinny , popular , adored by boys (usualy footbal players ) , cliquish and airheaded. But cheerleaders are NOT like this . One of the main stereotypes for cheerleaders is that they are skinny , but to cheerleader size and shape does not matter . Now to be a cheerleader health is important and cheerleaders often must exercise rigorously in order to make it through a routine . Another steriotype is that cheerleaders are popular, now it is true that cheerleaders happen to have lots of