Take a look again at high school stereotypes through the short lived television series from the late 90’s, Freaks and Geeks. Based on the pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks, media techniques are used effectively to depict the different stereotypes in high school. The camera shots & movements are used adequately to show the power of the bullies and the weakness of the victims. For example, when Sam Weir is approached by Alan (the bully), at lunch, the camera is pointed upwards towards Alan’s face to make him seem bigger and scarier while the camera would be pointed down on Sam’s face making him seem smaller and inferior to Alan (Kasdan 1999). This example…
“Stereotyping shapes us to see the people of the world as they first appear, yet no one looks under the skin and sees the beautiful qualities underneath.” In the book, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the characters stereotype each other just at a glance. Such as the start of a wife, the hot headed Hawking, and the slick Sergeant Slim. For instance, Stereotyping shapes the people in Of Mice and Men, not as they truly are underneath; however, in the story the characters are stereotyped by actions, attitude, and adult…
The movie Crash is a very interesting and compelling movie that showed some social problems like racism and stereotypes that occur in everyday life. The movie starts off a day later from the present when a Det. Graham Waters is at a scene of a crime and just got a look at the victim which happen to be his own brother (revealed at the end of the movie). The movie then goes on to follow a variety of characters such as Det. Graham Waters, Sgt. John Ryan, Ria (Det. Waters’ partner), D.A. Rick Cabot and his wife Jean, Cameron Thayer a Hollywood director and his wife Christine, Anthony who steals cars with his friend Peter (who is Det. Waters’ brother), a Persian family, a Hispanic family, and officer Tom Hansen. The film goes on to show the experiences of racism and stereotypes these people endure over a two day period. The movie was very exciting and showed some social problems that still happen today. It went deep into the context of how people still…
Stereotypes are generalized traits that people assume about a group of people. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird stereotypes are used frequently with how different families act, and also how different races appear to others. In the book stereotypes are important when Harper Lee makes the Ewells portray the stereotype for “white trash”. During the trial for the raping of Mayella Ewell this becomes very clear when she writes, “ No truant officers could keep their numerous offspring in school; no public health officer could free them from congenital defects, various worms, and the diseases indigenous to filthy surroundings.”(Lee 227). Lee made this family the stereotypical “white trash” family because it shows the true…
The movie Crash interweaves the lives of multiple people, who have been stereotyped by one another in the worst ways possible to show us that many real-life problems stem from the fear people have towards one another. It puts into prospect how many people make racially charged comments and expect no retribution to their comments or actions. In the movie, Jean Cabot and her husband get carjacked by a couple of African American men who Jean had been fearful of earlier in the day. When they get home, she sees the locksmith at her house and implies because of his tattoos he will be doing something illegal. Tattoos have had an implication of bad intentions in the past.…
The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is a coming-of-age story that compels readers to question society’s stereotyping of people and expresses the need for people to always have hope. Based on two rival teenage gangs, the poor, east-side Greasers, and the rich, west-side Socials (Socs), The Outsiders is told through the eyes of sensitive, 14-year-old Greaser, Ponyboy Curtis. The novel explores the choices people make when faced with adversity, sending an important message to readers that everyone is an individual, regardless of their background. The characters of Ponyboy and Dallas ‘Dally’ Winston, a hardened and damaged Greaser, are vital to this message and they also play key roles in portraying the book’s fundamental theme that even the most…
Have you ever wondered what people think of you well I think most people have. What are stereotypes, According to Dictionary.com stereotypes are defined as, “A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.” We treat people they way we do because of stereotypes. In the book The Outsiders, by SE Hinton, you see stereotypes.…
Mary-Louis Parker once said, “People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life”. S.E. Hinton believes that the outsiders are all the people who dare to be different, and who stand out from their social category. She provides examples throughout The Outsiders of characters that feel and act differently than those around them. Randy Adderson does not fit the stereotype of a Soc because he is caring, and he has his own opinions. To begin with, Randy is an outsider because he cares about other people.…
“I don’t want other people to decide who I am. I want to do that myself” (Emma Watson). Being an outsider to a stereotype is demonstrated in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton through her characters and their actions. Pony, Randy, and Darry all are outsiders to their groups and stereotypes; in Tulsa, Oklahoma there are two opposing gangs, the greasers and the Socs. The greasers are lower class people who do not have the smarts or athleticism so be special, while the Socs are really rich, really smart, athletic, have an emotional barrier, and love to beat up the greasers.…
What was it that caused the aggression and dominance exhibited by the boys of Lord of the Flies? Was it some metaphysical, spiritual force, or perhaps their genetic makeup? Could it have been the influence of their peers or families, or was it the media that inspired this dangerous pattern? Conceivably, their gender had something to do with this appalling trait. It all begs the question, would the same experiences have occurred had females been stranded on the island instead of males? Had females been in a similar situation as the boys in Lord of the Flies, they would have fared abundantly better. Initially, this paper will address society's role in encouraging males' violent behavior, as well as females' politeness and passivity. Secondly, it will be…
Annie Murphy Paul once said, “We all use stereotypes all the time, without even knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us.” Annie Murphy Paul tells people that not only do they hurt others when they stereotype, but they also hurt themselves. Zooptopia’s theme surrounds the negative stereotyping of others based off of one or more characteristics a person has. Negative stereotyping drives the plot to progress in the movie by motivating the characters to strive to be better after being put down.…
We all have encountered some type of stereotype or prejudices. A stereotype that I had to face was age prejudice by me being so young sometimes people don't set the high expectations for you that other people would at an older age because they expect for you to make mistakes. At times my mindset isn't where most kids are at my age. I skipped pre k and I am supposed to be in the 8th grade. When I tell people my age they be like " OMG you are young to be the grade that you are in" this is a perfect example of what I am stating that people sometimes think that you have to be average and can't go over and beyond your years.…
What image do you see when you hear the word homeless? I use to think of words like dirty, lonely, and also needy. The true definition of homeless is without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets. Stereotyping is a common thought through our human minds, which means oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. I learned this summer on my mission trip to Madison, Wisconsin, that homeless people are not what we think they are.…
It is a part of human nature to make judgments on others based solely on appearances. The short story “Flight Patterns” by Sherman Alexie reveals the sheer pervasiveness of stereotypes in American culture. The main character, William, is a walking contradiction in that he is a Native American businessman that loves his job and is always traveling, but hates to fly and hates to leave his family. He is also a victim of discriminations, yet he too makes his own judgments on people. In this paper I am going to explore the theme of stereotypes and contradictions in the story, and argue that stereotypes are so ingrained into American society that those who are stereotyped do not even realize they are stereotyping others.…
Many people would say that the ABC series Once Upon a Time is a lousy show, is unrealistic, and does not make sense or follow a good storyline; but over its first six seasons, Once Upon A Time has stolen my heart time and time again for many reasons. These writers and the creators of this show Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis have re-created many people's favorite scenes from their favorite movies like Prince Charming finding snow white and Waking her up with true love's kiss, or beauty and the beast dancing together, and they brought so many favorite and new characters to the show unlike anything before.The writers changed classical fairy tale stereotypes, they give the villains a chance at happy endings, and a deeper backstory than usual,…