It was April 5, 1994 when Kurt Donald Cobain shot himself in the head. His manic depression and bipolar disorder had taken a toll on his life. Kurt had become a part of the phenomenal 27 Club. The 27 Club is a club where famous rock stars died at the age of 27. All of the rock stars had mental illness that were all overlooked because of their use of medication. This makes you wonder is mental illness stigmatized in society? Mental illness is stigmatized in society because of the use of drugs. People just look at mental illness and think of drugged out people who act like zombies because of all the medication they take. People in society see the mental illness and reject them because they aren't normal. People take drugs to escape reality and mentally ill people take medications to try and be okay. Mental illness is stigmatized in society because of many reasons.
Mental hospitals are remarkably stigmatized in society just for the simple fact that they cost …show more content…
Mental illnesses are not talked about openly in society. People look at mentally ill individuals and think, “I can’t talk to them, they look different and act differently than I do.” When in reality, according to, “1 in 5 adults in the United States, 43.8 million people, have a mental illness”(“Mental Health By The Numbers”). If there are so many people with mental illness, how come society does not talk about it? Why is it that the people with mental illness are shunned away from society for the way they were born. Nobody wants to be born with a mental illness; it just happens. Sometimes it is inherited and sometimes it just develops overtime for no reason. The stigmatism is apparent by how little people talk about these issues. As well as the fact society is not willing to help those with mental