Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers- synthetic parellelism. This verse is synthetic parellism because the second idea expands the first idea. The first part of the verse is: oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked. This part of the verse is saying that people who do not follow what people with bad intentions have to say fair better than people who give in to anything. The writer goes on to make his point clearer by adding another part to the first idea. The other part that goes with the first idea says: or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. The writer seems to want to make his ideas clear; keeping company with …show more content…
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do-synthetic parellism. The first part of this verse gives a metaphor of what particular people that love the Bible are like. The verse compares the spiritually focused people to trees alongside a never ending water stream. The trees never stop giving their fruit because they are constantly nourished with water. The second part of the verse expounds on the first. The second part of the verse gives further evidence that the people who stay focused on God do not lack in any area. The second part of the verse is crucial to the first part because it provides support for the first part of the verse.
But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.- synthetic parellism. This is synthetic parellism because the second sentence gives the reason why the first sentence is truthful. If this verse did not have the explanation of the second sentence, readers would wonder why the wicked do not prosper in all that they do. This sentence means that the wicked are not committed to the Lord. The wicked do not see time with the Lord as …show more content…
Sinners will have no place among the godly.-synonymous parellism. This verse has synonymous parellism in it. The first sentence has the same idea as the second sentence. The first sentence references the subject as "they". The second sinners goes on to make it clear that "they" refers to sinners. The first sentence is saying that sinners will be punished when judgment time comes. The second sentence is saying that the sinners will not get to experience the luxury of the Godly when judgment time comes. The second sentence is basically saying the same thing as the first but in a more direct