We know the people from different places in the world would also influenced by different culture and different political ideologies. So the media in many cases not only cases bias for the tangible goods for their group, their readers and themselves, but also for the promotion of their cultural environment. All of those conflicts that were mentioned above are ultimately the struggle between the liberal and conservative, between democracy and order. Often one of those group would ignore the need and desirability of its opposite in different places in the world; therefore the bias would be created in both intended and unintended way. George Case’s article “What Biased media?” states the main stream media in United States often served as propaganda for pro-business and Pro-American ideology(Case, Par 5). That is why “The Role of State Run Media”, the article published on “Journal of Democracy” would harshly condemn the existence of state control media in the Eastern countries. The Western media often fail to realize many people in the Eastern country would support the state run or state regulated media because of the fear of past political instability that were deeply rooted in their long history(Walker, pae 38). They also feared the Western Media could serve as “Witting or Unwitting tools of the West” to spread their political ideology and cause …show more content…
The most significant example of such incident in recent history is the different reports from Western and Eastern media after the Tiananmen Square Protest in 1989. Albert Chang from Stanford University did a comprehensive study and review “Revisiting the Tiananmen Square Incident” in the year of 2005. The truth in this incident is distorted by the both sides of the lens for various reasons. The official report of Chinese government and press on the death count in the incident was less than one-third of the estimated truth where the Western media that are “eager to see the disintegration of old social structure and political system” exaggerated the actual death count my the measure of more than 20 times at most(Chang,2&8). The article also states the official press in China reported biasedly because of the concern of social stability. However, the inconsistency of reports from Western media on the key issues such as the location, the existence of intentional shooting and the existence of peaceful evacuation shows there were attempts by at least some Western media to garner domestic support and to evilize the Chinese government and the political ideology that it stands for(Chang, 1-2). From the evaluation of such incident, there is a clear bias caused by the conflicts of cultures and political ideologies. The attempt