himself that he never thought about before, such as, understanding that he really was not happy with his life, or that he could even remember where he and his wife met. Even after Clarisse is gone, Montag still questions things, and wonders about how the world got to be the way it is. While asking these questions did lead to him murdering people and breaking the law, he still walked away from that a better person than he was before. He leaves his old life aware of himself and his thoughts and feelings. He is no longer a puppet on a string to be feed false information for the government and society. Montag also leaves a life behind full of people who did not understand him simply because he started to think for himself and ask questions. He was able to find people just like him, and appreciate him for the knowledge he was and the action he took. A life full of ignorance doesn’t benefit people at all. There is so much good that comes from being knowledgeable and understanding certain things. However, people will never break free from the chains, and become intelligent if they do not learn to think for themselves.
himself that he never thought about before, such as, understanding that he really was not happy with his life, or that he could even remember where he and his wife met. Even after Clarisse is gone, Montag still questions things, and wonders about how the world got to be the way it is. While asking these questions did lead to him murdering people and breaking the law, he still walked away from that a better person than he was before. He leaves his old life aware of himself and his thoughts and feelings. He is no longer a puppet on a string to be feed false information for the government and society. Montag also leaves a life behind full of people who did not understand him simply because he started to think for himself and ask questions. He was able to find people just like him, and appreciate him for the knowledge he was and the action he took. A life full of ignorance doesn’t benefit people at all. There is so much good that comes from being knowledgeable and understanding certain things. However, people will never break free from the chains, and become intelligent if they do not learn to think for themselves.