The author, George Orwell, his biggest point of this novel is to remain or tell us what is the meaning to be human. In Oceania, people are being watched under thought policies and telescreens. As changing in time, people begin to obey the fact that this is the society where they live in. But they forget the most important thing --- human nature. Being a human not only flesh and bones but consist of humanity and freedom of thought. In 1984, Winston broke Oceania's law by …show more content…
committing thoughtcrime. He said: " freedom is the ability to say two plus two equal four." People in the party know that two plus two didn't make five, but who will stand out and said that the party is wrong, they are just too fear of the party and Room 101(people biggest fear). Who care about two plus two really make four or five, the point Winston tried to make is the thought to express your own feeling without fear of violence from the party.
The party and Big Brother try to exploit certain tendencies to possess human's thought, in order to control and dehumanize humankind. In Oceania, the party makes up their own language, called the newspeak. Their words divided into three parts. The first one is the A vocabulary, which contains daily and business terms. The second one is the B vocabulary, contain political terms. The third one is the C vocabulary, use of the scientific and technical term. They possess their mind by not letting them knowing too many words or changing the real meaning of the words. "Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." The party believes by controlling the past they can accomplish its future goal. People also believe the past is what has happened, and it becomes the truth. The party dehumanizes their thinking by limited the usage of words, not teaching them new words and brainwash them.
Emmanuel Goldstein was known as the former member of Big Brother, he has betrayed the Big Brother. If Big Brother is the face for the party in Oceania then Goldstein can also be considered the leader of Big Brother's opponent, called the Brotherhood. He has thought other than the party told him to have, which annoyed and hated by the proletarian. Winston acts as same as others; shouting at Goldstein, but in the deepest of his heart, he agreed with Goldstein. After Winston finished reading "the book" written by Goldstein, he said that even thou I'm along, but when I hold on to the truth and know what it is, I'm not mad. Goldstein gave Winston courage to rebel against the party and telling him that he is not the only one who left with the thought of "Down with Big Brother".
Based on Winston's fate.
Orwell ultimately warning us against on how peril can a totalitarian country be. In Oceania, the party has full power and control. People are kept on track with work, with poor foods provide, poor shoes or even no shoes and they all showing obey or love toward Big Brother. The party restricted on words, in their principle of newspeak, not just words being control but also their freedom of thought. Orwell was worried about government will get too powerful and to the point become totalitarian, which freedom and humanity will be removed. So he wrote the 1984 and tried to warn all the citizens that don't let one party control, or Oceania will become