
Examples Of Unsolved Conspiracy Theories

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Unsolved mysteries aren’t just a mysterious topic, or what their name implies. They’re much more. They have hidden stories behind just their name. All the conspiracy theories, demonic acts, disappearances, cryptids, extra-terrestrials and homicides don’t just leave us wondering & curious, they leave us lost. They have us lost in our thoughts; a thought of what truly is reality. Human nature was guided by curiosity, the ability for us to learn and be innovative. Unsolved mysteries are also guided by human nature. It is the need for wanting to know and learn more about something that we have no idea about.
First and foremost, conspiracy theories thrive with the fact of unsureness and uniqueness, a common trait of unsolved mysteries. Conspiracy theories include an in-depth analysis of governmental, media, and medical issues. Many of these issues are addressed as more “secretive” and concealed from
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Cryptids are creature such as Bigfoot, etc. Six categories are being used for cryptids- unconfirmed, discredited, proposed, extinct, confirmed, and hoax. Many people such as ghost and Bigfoot hunters have been trying to eliminate these categories and add those creatures and theories to the recently discovered category. Multiple accounts and stories are told to motivate these hunters like that of the Chupacabra. Over a decade ago, animals were found dead and were believed to be killed by the Chupacabra. Once that story was heard countless accounts were told and the hunger for discovering the Chupacabra began. Then there is the very familiar story of the Loch Ness Monster. May 2nd, 1933 the first Nessie picture was published in a newspaper. What is this aquatic creature- a question that still remains today. Another story would be of that of a giant bat the size of a one year old with a wingspan of twelve feet, the story of Ahool. Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie, werewolves, vampires, dwarves, elves, and many others are on the lists of

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