Ability grouping- also known as tracking or grouping children together
Culture- the patterns that characterize a group of people socially
Cultural diversity- different cultures and people within the classroom
Ethnicity- where someone comes from
Assimilation- when people adopt social norms and pattern of behavior
Multicultural education= strategies to learn differences of culture
Culturally responsive teaching- instruction that makes sure cultural diversity is acknowledged
English language learners- Students who need assistance learning English as a second language
Maintenance language programs- programs that put emphasis on the first language learned
Immersion program- language program for a change to English …show more content…
Communication disorders- with difficulty receiving and understanding information and expressing themselves
Speech disorder- difficulties in how the child forms and sequences sounds and words
Language disorder- difficulties in understanding language and expressing themselves using language and words
Mental retardation- problems limiting intellectual functioning, learning, adapting, communicating, self care, and social skills
Behavior disorders- age inappropriate behavior that causes social problems, unhappiness, and failure
Gifted and talented- designated students who need help achieving full potential
Acceleration- gifted and talented program that allows students to move through curriculum quicker
Enrichment- a gifted and talented program that gives rich and varied supplements to usual work
Collaboration- communicating and making decisions together to create the best learning environment possible for special students