Oh I also forgot to mention that the soldiers were at Valley Forge in the middle of winter.
So you are talking about some soldiers having 8 or 9 fingers instead of 10 because of frostbite or some soldiers having 8 or 9 toes because of frostbite as well. I mean you read or hear about Valley Forge and you are probably going to have no soldiers. I am guessing that over half of the soldiers left after all of the things they went through including sickness and diseases probably would or did leave the Continental Army and did not even second guess their decision.
So far in this essay I have been giving you all the bad things the Continental Army went through. The main reason I would stay is if I would be lucky enough to not get sick or get a disease and would have the people I liked in the same hut as me it would not be that bad. If you got some of your friends in your hut you could have a good time. You could play games and just have a great time in general. But on the other side of what i just said, what if you did not have
Then you are sure to make friends. Like I said earlier you are going to be around 13 to 14 other soldiers a day because you are going to be in the same 14 by 16 hut that they are in because you sleep with 13 to 14 other soldiers. So think about like that, if none of the people in your hut get sick, that includes them not hanging around sick people, you will be perfectly fine. Other than the fact that it will still be freezing cold and smell bad in the hut. But on the other hand you will still fight in the war and back to the fact that you are starving if you beat the British troops you could take their food and that when you are hungry you are mad so you could possibly try more to win. That Mr.Sipe is why I would stay at Valley Forge.